Rehab and Corrective Exersices
Corrective exercises are an important part of a treatment plan for many conditions. Exercises are also used effectively in helping injured workers return to the workforce, people suffering from arthritis and people recovering from surgery.
Rehab is a specific kind of exercises usually after an injury. These are specific to certain types of injuries such as sprains, strains, auto accidents or work comp injuries.
Corrective Exercises
Chronic pain and injuries are likely due to poor movement patterns and postural changes. These are usually not apparent to the patient until stress and pointed out by the clinician. Some examples would include overactive traps or really tight hamstrings.

5 Step Approach to change how you move
- Moblize restricted joints (Adjustments)
- Release restricted tissues (Soft tissue tecniques)
- Stretch the tight muscles
- Strengthen weak muscles
- Integrate weak muscles in to movment patterns.